We are happy to share datasets with other research groups. If you plan to use them in your studies, we ask that you use the provided citation in your publications.

Sample Dataset (Nasr et al., 2016)

This dataset includes the high-resolution functional MRI of one individual, collected as the subject was presented with color- and luminance-varying gratings. Stimulus details are further described in our previous publication (Nasr et al., 2016). The dataset also includes the necessary paradigm files and the structural scan of the same individual (after defacing).

Download our sample dataset here.


  • Nasr, S., Polimeni, J. R., & Tootell, R. B. (2016). Interdigitated color- and disparity-selective columns within human visual cortical areas V2 and V3. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(6), 1841-1857. [pdf]

Sample Dataset (Tootell & Nasr, 2020)

This dataset includes the high-resolution functional MRI of one individual, collected as the subject was dark-adapted and presented with low spatial frequency gratings under very low luminance (scotopic) light condition. The dataset also includes the necessary paradigm files and the structural scan of the same individual (after defacing).  For further details about the stimulus presentation paradigm and the imaging procedure please see the Methods section of Tootell & Nasr (2020).
Download our sample dataset here.


  • Tootell, R. B. H., & Nasr, S. (2020). Scotopic Vision Is Selectively Processed in Thick-Type Columns in Human Extrastriate Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 00(00), 1-19. [pdf]

Sample Dataset (Kennedy et al., 2024)

This dataset comprises the probabilistic localization of areas PPA/TPA, RSC/MPA, TOS/OPA, PIGS and V6 in the left and right hemispheres in fsaverage space. Notably, the values for cortical vertices vary between 0 and 1, corresponding to the chance of detecting an overlap between the vertices and the region of interest. For further details about the stimuli and procedures used to generate the dataset, please refer to the Methods section of Kennedy et al., (2024).

Download our sample dataset here.


  • Kennedy, B., Malladi, S.N., Tootell, R.B.H., Nasr, S. (2024) A previously undescribed scene-selective site is the key to encoding ego-motion in naturalistic environments. eLife. [pdf]